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Showing posts from May, 2021

The Dew is Due Gathering

With what's going on in the nations, we are still coming together to pray, intercede, and worship by Zoom Meetings, and Facebook Live. You are still Welcome to join us in prayer, praise and worship daily from your part of the world. Just keep in touch. When our Commander and Chief: Yeshua gives counsel, we will advise you. 312.207-5125. FOR THE LATEST HAPPENING VIST SINCE THE STAY AT HOME ORDER Many modifications to the STAY AT HOME ORDER has taken place varying from state to state, nation to nation.  Check with your local authorities for updates.  Jesus is Lord over the nations!!!  To every kindred, tongue, tribe and nation. Go before God and express your prayers, movement, music and intercession freely, until we are able to come back together again  at the Parade of Nations-The Dew is Due Gatherings - Here in the USA   Chicago, IL.- Elect Lady Bobbie Jones Grayer Host/Visionary       ...